4-26 Market Report

Friday, April 26, was a rainy, chilly day. Still, our turnout was good – we had half again as many flowers and vegetable trays as last week and about double the number of people. The weather, however, didn’t seem to put our customers in a planting mood, so prices were lower than last sale, yet still reasonable. We saw the addition of asparagus and radishes today, as well as some new flower varieties, including Hollyhocks, Yellow Tick seed and Calibrachoa. We also had some zucchini, cantaloupe and watermelon plants, and even some mixed trays of herbs.

Our next sale will be Friday, May 3, starting at 10 am. We expect the number of items and the variety to continue to increase. For a more detailed idea on much of what’s expected, check out our expected items page here: https://farmfreshauction.com/expected-items/

(The letters before the items are sorting notes: e=edibles, ft= flower trays, fp=flower pots, pt=produce trays, pp=produce pots)

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